第6回日本国際観光映像祭、阿寒へ アイヌ文化から学ぶこれからの生き方
6th edition of JWTFF, Akan, to learn from Ainu culture on how to live in the future.
Films speak directly to people’s sensibilities and reach many people at the same time through the media. This is why the power of images is necessary for regeneration, to attract tourists and revive a region’s tiredness and to utilise the “local attractions” that are surely still there.
Tourism films are a tool that should be used for this kind of regeneration of Japan. Tourism films are still being produced all over the country and tell us about the attractions of the region. However, there is still room for improvement in the way these images are produced and used. Before the spread of the new coronavirus, many tourism films were produced amidst the investment in tourism that spread across the country, but on the other hand, many problematic films were also produced. This is because there are few filmmakers specialising in tourism films, despite the fact that tourism films are an established genre, different from commercial commercials and films. In fact, there are other countries, such as France and Spain, that have chosen to live by tourism, and in these countries the nature of tourism images has been discussed for decades. Now that Japan has decided to live by tourism, it is necessary to learn how tourism images should be made from the leading tourism countries, and at the same time, the tourism industry needs to work together to develop domestic filmmakers.
Japan World’s Tourism Film Festival (JWTFF) was launched in 2019 against this backdrop; in 2020, it will officially join CIFFT, the international tourism film festival network recognised by UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organisation), and as Asia’s only constituent film festival, it is expected to play a role in introducing not only Japanese films but also Asian tourism The festival is also expected to play a role in introducing not only Japanese images but also Asian tourism images to the world. This film festival has awarded outstanding tourism films from Japan and introduced cutting-edge tourism films from around the world.
Tourism is once again expanding around the world. Various parts of Japan are also vibrant with many domestic and foreign visitors. At the same time, however, there are contradictions in tourism. Tourism contributes to the sustainable development of tourist destinations, but where is this development heading? The question is now being asked of the smooth development of economic and social values and their mutual development. At a time when tourism is expanding around the world, what is tourism for the development of local culture, and what is the appropriate relationship between the tourism industry and the region? Discussing this through the film festival is the theme of this year’s festival.