Slovenia Green

The documentary film Slovenia Green presents Slovenia’s green story and, through the stories of locals, destination representatives, and tourism providers, tell viewers that Slovenia is a safe destination with a sustainable offer and unspoiled nature.
The film follows a cyclist on a Slovenia Green Gourmet Route, a cycling route created in 2021 in cooperation between the Slovenian Tourist Board and the Slovenia Green Consortium and the destinations it passes through. This route takes the cyclist among sustainable food providers in Slovenia from Ljubljana to Posočje, Goriška Brda, Vipava Valley, and Karst, and back through the capital to Sevnica, Podčetrtek, Ptuj, and Maribor. It takes place exclusively between destinations with the Slovenia Green Destination label – a label that recognizes destinations that pay particular attention to responsible tourism development and sufficiently meet the criteria of the international Green Destinations standard.
Client: Slovenian Tourist Board
Location: Slovenia
Duration: 28:37
Year: 2021

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